Sydney Carter Draws



December 30, 2021 - Website Launch Checklist

The ability to create your own website is a very empowering option for anyone who wants to share their work, their expertise, their products, or their creative expressions. I would like to follow up on this a bit more because I would like to see more creatives make their own websites. Here is a brief checklist of tasks that you would complete logistically for launching a website that you create yourself:

  1. Buy domain name for x number of years - usually in the format of www.[domain].com
  2. Buy hosting package for x number of years
    Many companies that sell domains have partnerships with hosting companies or offer hosting themselves so you can usually do this when buying your domain
  3. Write website code
  4. Upload website code files to hosting account file manager
  5. Disable domain or hosting company's "parking page"
    This allows the website you designed to be visible and turns off a "This domain is owned by [domain-selling company]" page when someone goes to your website

December 22, 2021 - Art Websites

This website is one that I coded from scratch using HTML and CSS program code. It is a continuing project, and as I expand my artwork and the website, I learn more about web development. Coding your own website is a fun project to try, and it is quite doable especially if the main intent of your site is to display images of your artwork and provide contact information. This could be useful for sharing your creations with friends and family, or if you are a student who is applying to art school and would like to create an online portfolio. HTML and CSS are both very beginner friendly - HTML gives you the basic structure of the website with depicting images and text. CSS is the style sheet that tells the HTML code how to look pretty with different margins, font styles, and colors. There are many fun template website services that make it easy to add other features like a shop that some beginning programmers may want assistance with. I really like that coding my own site means that the format that I use is only limited by what I can learn.


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