Sydney Carter Draws



August 12, 2023 - Duck Studies

warm up drawing pond at the park duck study

I went to the park last weekend with a buddy, our sketchbooks, and some pencils. The outing ended up as a duck drawing study. As a kid I spent a lot of time drawing pets - a bunny my grandmother gave me, and a dog when I was a little older. Now that I don't have any pets, I felt energized drawing animals outside. The sketches were not glamorous, but they're good practice for understanding the proportions. After a while, a few small children were feeding the ducks and birds started crowding around our drawing spot, so we walked to another area along the pond. This time, I focused on drawing the landscape of the park. For most of the landscape I ended up tilting the pencil and using the shading side of the lead, instead of emphasizing crisp lines with the point, and it felt like painting with graphite.

July 8, 2023 - Post-it Drawings

drawing of girl on post it note

This is a post-it note. This little doodle I made with a black ink pen and a pink highlighter. The interesting thing about this drawing is that I made it when I was bored and wasn't really thinking about it. It took less than a minute for me to do, but I get some really sweet reactions from my doodles like this one. Drawings like this are proof that you don't have to struggle to make people feel things from the pieces you create. I've received a few excited "Awww!"s from my doodles, and I was relaxing when I made them.


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Section 1

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